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Hydratation complète lotion après-soleil visage et corps

28 avis
La formule enrichie en antioxydants hydrate et apaise la peau sèche et stressée par le soleil
Agit dès l’application et procure une hydratation longue durée (24 heures)
Lotion hydratante ultralégère; procure une sensation de fraîcheur
Non grasse et non collante
Convient aux peaux sensibles et aux enfants
Ne contient aucun colorant, parabène ou phtalate

Immediately soothes sun sensitive & irritated skin

La lotion après-soleil Eucerin est formulée avec du beurre de karité et de la glycérine pour apaiser et hydrater la peau sèche. Ce soin après-soleil est hypoallergénique, non comédogène, sans danger pour les peaux sensibles et convient aux enfants.

Sustainability & Environment

Free of Microplastics (according to UNEP definition)

Learn more about our sustainability program

A wonderful good lotion, it achieves the absolutely good skin feeling.

Andrea, 2020

Product Info

Réhydratez votre peau gorgée de soleil avec la lotion après-soleil Eucerin Sun. Formulée avec des antioxydants (licochalcone A, acide glycyrrhétinique et vitamine E) et du beurre de karité, cette lotion pour le visage et pour le corps aide à hydrater et à apaiser la peau sèche, stressée par le soleil, dès l’application. Ultralégère et non grasse, elle fournit une hydratation longue durée (24 heures), avec une agréable sensation de fraîcheur. La lotion après-soleil Eucerin est non comédogène (n'obstrue pas les pores) et convient à tous les types de peau, y compris les peaux sensibles. Elle est également hypoallergénique et ne contient aucun parabène, colorant ou phtalate. Eucerin est une marque de soins développée avec des dermatologues et s’appuie sur une approche scientifique sans compromis.

Études cliniques

Clinical and dermatological studies prove Very good skin tolerability on all skin types even for sensitive skin and sun allergy prone skin.

How to use

Usage instructions

1. Cleanse

After sun exposure, gently cleanse your face and body using the appropriate Eucerin cleanser and lukewarm water. Pat (rather than rub) your skin dry.

En savoir plus

2. Care

Apply Eucerin After Sun Sensitive Relief Gel-Cream generously on cleansed skin after sun exposure. Repeat again in the evening if necessary.

En savoir plus

Do's and Dont's

Use this product if ...

You’re looking for a product that will soothe sun-stressed skin:

Eucerin After Sun Creme-Gel Sensitive Relief soothes and supports the regeneration of sun-stressed skin.

Your skin is sensitive and/or prone to sun allergies:

Eucerin After Sun Creme-Gel has been specially formulated for your skin and is clinically and dermatologically proven to be suitable for sensitive and sun allergy-prone skin.

Try a different product if …

You need a product that will soothe sun-stressed and sunburnt skin, but do not have sun allergy-prone skin:



How it works

EUCERIN After Sun with CELLULAR REPAIR  immediately soothes sun-stressed, irritated skin with Licochalcone A which protects against free radicals and  Glycyrrhetinic Acid which supports skins own DNA repair mechanism to protect skin from long term consequences of sun induced skin damage. 

Immediately soothes and relieves sun-sensitive, sun stressed & sun allergy prone skin with long lasting effect. Reduces sun induced skin damage. Relieves skin tighness instantly. Soothes the sensation of burning skin. Anti-redness effect. Instantly & long-lastingly moisturizes skin. Fresh & cooling. Non-greasy & non-sticky. Pleasant to apply. Quickly absorbed. Pleasantly fragranced. Kids conformity.

FAQ (3)

  • What are the symptoms of sun allergy?

    Sun allergies are very common, especially among young women and people with fair skin. The most common form of sun allergy is Polymorphus Light Eruption (often abbreviated to PLE). Typical symptoms include a bumpy and irritating rash and skin redness but you may also get blisters and pustules. Symptoms tend to develop a day or two after being in the sun and are normally on the underside of the arms and the chest − facial skin can be affected, but this is less common.

    Other sun allergies include Acne Aestevalis (more commonly known as Mallorca acne). The symptoms of Acne Aestevalis closely resemble those of PLE. It typically effects women between 25 and 40 who experienced acne during puberty.

    You can read about these allergies as well as how to care for allergy-prone skin in sun allergies: PLE and others.

  • How can I avoid getting sun-stressed skin in the first place?

    Sun, in moderation, is good for our overall wellbeing, but unprotected and excessive exposure to the sun’s rays can have both short- and long-term consequences which include sunburn, photoaging (premature skin aging caused by the sun) and even skin cancer.

    Limiting your and your child’s exposure, and always wearing adequate protection, are essential steps in caring for skin in the sun. And facial sun protection should be considered part of your daily skincare routine, because it’s not just holiday sun that can damage skin.

    Here are some of the golden rules of sun protection:

    • Choose a product that has been specially formulated for your sun allergy-prone skin and that offers the level of protection that you need
    • Apply generously before sun exposure and reapply frequently− especially after swimming, perspiring or toweling − to maintain the original protection
    • Be careful not to miss any areas that will be exposed
    • Remember that reducing the quantity you use will significantly lower the level of protection
    • Don`t stay in the sun for too long, even when using a sunscreen product − remember that skin damage can occur well before sunburn is visible
    • Over-exposure to the sun is a serious health threat
    • Keep babies and young children out of direct sunlight

    You can find out more about how to care for skin in the sun in the effect of sun on skin: prevention and protection and the effect of sun on children’s skin. If you are in any doubt about how your skin is likely to react to the sun, or what level of protection you should be using, ask a dermatologist for advice.

  • Does skin that’s prone to sun allergies need special sun protection?

    Like sensitive skin, allergy-prone skin has a weakened protective barrier making it more vulnerable to external irritants. One of those external irritants is the sun. Certain chemicals − such as perfumes − can also trigger a reaction in sensitive, allergy-prone skin.Eucerin Sun Creme-Gel Sun Allergy Protect SPF 50 gives skin prone to sun allergies the high level of protection it needs. It also contains antioxidants that soothe skin and strengthen skin´s own protection system against UVA-induced free radicals, helping to prevent the formation of sun allergies.

sur 126 avis
  • Nini72 2021-05-28
    Originally posted on eucerin.fr
    vraiment excellente pour les allergies
    [Cet avis a été recueilli en réponse à une offre.]
  • Fanouille 2018-11-30
    Originally posted on eucerin.fr
    Hyper hydratant
    J avais des démangeaisons et des plaques rouges sur quelques parties de mon corps et depuis que j utilise eucerin after Sun tout est parti ! Je l utilise aussi le soir avant de me coucher même en cette période d hiver et je trouve mon teint meilleur et ma peau bien hydraté je recommande vivement
  • Tifany 2016-04-13
    Originally posted on eucerin.fr
    Super produit
    Très facile à appliquer et calme en laissant une jolie peau
  • Découvrir d'autres avis

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Nos valeurs

Experts en soins de la peau
Experts en soins de la peau

Nous développons des produits qui prennent soin et qui améliorent l'apparence de votre peau. Nous sommes convaincus que le soins dermo-cosmétiques ont le pouvoir de changer la vie.

Engagés dans l'innovation
Engagés dans l'innovation

Depuis 100 ans, nous dédions toute notre expertise à la science des soins de la peau. Nos experts travaillent sans cesse sur de nouvelles formules apaisantes, à la tolérance prouvée, pour contribuer à améliorer votre bien-être au quotidien.

Recommandés par les dermatologues
Recommandés par les dermatologues

Nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec de nombreux centres de tests dermatologiques afin de s’assurer de l’efficacité de tous nos produits.